Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The ICE Fantasy and The Fellowship of Deceit

Sorry if i didn't update my blog for a while, here is another set of Logo i made.

About the ICE Fantasy

It took me a long hours of scratch on the head, keep on thinking on the idea of this Logo. But somehow i manage to come up with.

The idea came from the title itself, the Ice. i made a Crystal on the middle and to make it more like a fantasy thingy, i added some arcane circles (brushes came from ObsidianDawn *thanks) .

Here is another Logo i made.

About the Fellowship of Deceit

This is a Requesters concept + my little idea. The idea was to make it more medieval, i added a wing at the back of the Logo. And i made the Fellowship more like the Godfreed.

The Requester wants to add feathers on the Logo so i add a few of them, at first its unnoticable because it has the same color as the Logo, so i change it to Red and made it glow.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hero 1: Ephren's Journey

Here is another logo i made, during my freetime its a logo for a game.

About the Hero 1: Ephren's Journey

The main idea of the Logo was a valkyrie's wings, a Protector that has a fully armored wings that will save the day.
I used the same style in the GodFreed logo, to make it a Gem Armor. *LOL

Saturday, October 4, 2008


After meditating in my thinking chair, i have came up to a brilliant title for a game =D.

About the Gotterdamerung

It took me a day to think for this (*it includes the title LOL). My idea was focusing on the Blades at the back of the Title, it is really a sword that is pointing on different direction.

The Title design concept came from the Ascendence.